Not exactly sure of the date. It just came to me as a clipping. I got it because of that Shelia Rock photo of Jim. God, that is such a wonderful photoshoot. There are some beautiful images of Jim in that white outfit – the jaiket and the “jodpurs” as he called them once. I think he was having a shot at my obvious penchant for him in that suit with those boots, with his dyed black hair and all that guyliner and make up. I guess I am pretty overt with that love of the 1982 Kerr aesthetic.
I’ll find the reply I got asking him about him namechecking Philip K Dick when posting about Theme For Great Cities a few years back.

Oh, but just look at him! A THOUSAND TIMES – YES! I love that jaiket. Without the jaiket though?! ERRRRRRRMAGEEEEERRRRRRD!!!! You are sex on legs, Kerr!
I’ve spent sssooo much time delaying this post trying to find that reply from Jim about sci-fi, Philip K Dick and his 1982 aesthetic that I will add it WHEN I find it!
UPDATE: The little FB tete-a-tete in question…