And, boy, what a treat these are! Look at these! I found myself looking through a folder of photos linked to the Simple Minds Facebook page a few days ago and these gems showed up!
Jim looks absolutely MAGNIFICENT in these. What a babe! I wanted to share these ssoooo much but decided that the Kerrsday before Christmas was the best day for it. So…Merry Kerr-istmas, everyone! Enjoy the beautiful images of this absolute ADONIS from early 1982.
Kenny Hyslop on drums behind him. Had he been in focus in the photos it could have been double the nom noms! Lol
Oh, but is there really anyone (or anything) better than Jim? Nope! You can jingle my bells and fa la la la my la ANY TIME YOU WANT, Mr Kerr! I adore you!
The final one with his smile melts my heart. Also I added the gallery of the photos so if you like you can click on those and zoom in on detail better.

These magnificent photos were taken by Horst Waschinski in Cologne, Germany on 4 April, 1982. Though checking the list of gigs on Dream Giver Redux, I think the correct date of the gig is 4 March. Either way – a huge thanks to Horst for taking such fantastic photos. Thank you so much!
Any idea what is says around the badge on Jimbo?s shirt? I worked out the bird is Horus( God of the sun or something )
Not really a scoobie, Scobie (boom boom!).
I think the writing along the bottom side says ?World XI 81/82? but I can?t make out much else. The first word says either Jaguar or Jacqui ? ? Something. I dunno. Some people on the SM group were giving it a try. I dunno. All?s I know is Jim?s hot AF in the photos! ?? (those eye rolls are for you as I?m guessing my comment there probably spurred on some eye rolling. Lol) ???
? What does World XI refer to and are there any other photos of him wearing that shirt on that tour? Apologies for asking but it?s bugging me now, not knowing ?
I think it?s a football team, maybe? I really don?t know. There is one other really small and digitally compressed photo of him wearing it at another gig on the Dream Giver site under the tour listings. Who knows whether even he?d remember now? He doesn?t really answer questions people pose to him on FB anymore – which sucks. I did try to ask him, but alas, no reply.
Classic JK!