A deliberate ‘typo’ on my part, that title…
Most fans are talking about dates and wanting news…or if they’re not, they’re going on about how they miss how the band “really were”… “back then” when they (the fans, that is) were teens. Some are reminiscing about Street Fighting Years, which is all well and good too. We are all looking for ways to occupy ourselves in these uncertain times.
But…the thing I miss…the thing I crave? JIM INTERACTING WITH US!
Maybe there is a cycle or a pattern that…because I am a relative “babe” in terms of Simple Minds fandom, I have yet to see, witness or experience? We’ve pretty much had an online presence and rapport (I say ‘we’ve’ to imply SM fans in general) with the band for 20 years now.
And I fully appreciate that this makes me sound like one of those “when the band were REALLY good” hark-back-to-days-gone-by types. But it just used to feel – until very recently – that he actually LIKED to interact with us. It didn’t come across as a burden or an obligation, or part of the “keep ‘em sweet” machinations of management or some such. He appeared genuinely keen to interact.
Perhaps we have bored him? Or we no longer serve a purpose?
He did give full warning of his intentions in that “my lips are sealed” post on SMO back in June last year. Well, not so much of intent to stop as such, but it was a telling thing that it was all about the social interactivity and his posting on social media.
And what about these posts that I’ve published so regularly over the years. Why do it? What is the point, if any, outside of promoting, and informing the ongoing actions of SM? And will I continue to do so as frequently in future? I’m not sure what the answer to all of that is?
Jim Kerr on Simple Minds Official Facebook page, June 21st, 2019
I dunno. I have nothing else to say. The posts are there…you know. They still happen. But not as much as before. But…the thing that remains missing, the thing that is gone is him responding to us. Replying with retorts and quips and fun little things. And sometimes with a nice meaty reply, responding to a question someone had asked, etc. And he’d give a wonderfully detailed response sometimes. And those would be amazing.
That was one thing I was really looking forward to with the Soundcheck in Copenhagen. There was meant to be a Q and A as well in which you could put forward questions. And yes! I put a question forward and if you know me at all, you’ll be able to guess it (and no, it was NOT “Jim, will you marry/shag me”! Lol. For I already know the definitive answer to that one!). Again, I am not overly upset or downhearted about that. I am just so thankful for seeing those two shows.
Am I upset about missing other shows this year? To a degree. But I understand the circumstances. I appreciate what’s going on and I think it is right that we should curb the mass gatherings for now to try and stem the rate of infection around the world.
But the thing I miss…the one thing I miss and long for above all else right now is…feeling like I…we…could talk to Jim. And already in the safest way possible…online…no passing on any germs. That…rapport…there was a reciprocation that was implied and felt. And because it is gone it feels like he just…hates me. And so I keep questioning it. “What the hell did I do to upset him?” I just end up projecting it all inwardly. Like it’s all my fault that all this interactivity seems to have died down and gone away.
Perhaps all that is needed is time?