Merry Christmas From The Prip Blog
Hope you all have a safe, peaceful and happy Christmas and here’s to a stonking 2025.
Hope you all have a safe, peaceful and happy Christmas and here’s to a stonking 2025.
To all those who have visited this blog in 2023 and for those of you who are regular visitors, thank you for your continued support. May you all have a wonderful Christmas with love from Priptona’s Simple Minds Space. Fa – la, la, la, la. La la la la la. Fa – la, la, la,…
And, boy, what a treat these are! Look at these! I found myself looking through a folder of photos linked to the Simple Minds Facebook page a few days ago and these gems showed up! Jim looks absolutely MAGNIFICENT in these. What a babe! I wanted to share these ssoooo much but decided that the…
Lol. I’m obviously going through some kind of….internal crisis or something. Lol. I dunno. But doing these silly things are a great distraction right now. It has me concentrating on Christmas whilst simultaneously doing absolutely FUCK ALL about Christmas. I haven’t even put the tree up yet. Its been sitting in its box via the…
Of course Santa seemed to arrive early to Casa Read with the arrival of Graeme Thomson’s Themes For Great Cities (which I am just under halfway through and absolutely ITCHING to review here – but want to complete it first) a few days ago. But he returned yesterday to deliver these… All gratefully received. Books…
He is my superhero. I absolutely adore him! He makes the days brighter. He is…the start, the middle and the end. The sun, the moon and the stars. He makes me feel alive and makes me want to live! Jim Kerr – you are all things to me. Beautiful, in every sense of the word….
The most venomous version of King Is White I’d ever heard Jim sing…not as angry sounding in his delivery as some of the earlier versions and he drops the “take/taking no prisoners” line – which is a big shame…but in the second refrain of the chorus he adds a “hang ’em up / sling ’em…
Although this is essentially a blog from a personal angle, and not meant to be seen as a professionally run Simple Minds blog…by ANY means, I am humbled and somewhat dumbstruck that I have a readership and visitors to this site. To those who subscribe, and to those who visit, I wish you all a…