Research for the book takes me down endless rabbit holes. Today’s rabbit hole provided me with this unearthed visual treasure. It’s from a Dutch magazine called Joepie (I had never heard of it until today. I had only ever been aware of Oor and Humo prior to today) and OH MY WORD! LOOK AT HIM!!!!!
It’s from a copy dating from 1985, but the image used is definitely from 1982 – in that I have absolutely NO DOUBT! I know my early Jim Kerr and this image SCREAMS 1982. Ripe ‘sex god Adonis’ period.
The man was stunning!
But the questions that this image is firing in my brain are: Is the milk his? Is it actually milk, or is it just looking like milk? If it isn’t milk, then what the hell is it? Can I go back to 1982 and shag him senseless? (Okay, that last one is less a question more than an overt and outrageous wish/desire.)
Okay…I must get back to the book writing.
Be still my beating ovaries!
P.S. I think I may have to bring back Kerrsday Thursday….
Moo Gold Cream
Milkshake off the ghosts
Pasteurise Yourself*
*truly fucking awful.Even for me. A new low 😆