Arrived safely in Paris. It’s aeound 6am And Ii’m typing without my glasses on. Had hardly any sleep. Serenaded by the snorer from hell. Thought I packed earplugs but couldn’t find them in my bag. Much to my detriment. Sorry for any typos but….

Paris will be great, you don?t half get about .?
Not as much as I?d like to though. And if nothing else, Paris is a wonderful backdrop and promises great things. We?ll see?.
I trust you have researched the neighboured you are staying in? Last time I was in Paris I didn’t and ended up in St Denis which is a fucking hellhole. Sounds lovely though. ? “Saaan Deneee “
Yes. It?s quite close to the venue just on the other side of the Seine, near the Metropole station of Billancourt – in the Boulonge Billancourt area of the city. Should be good, with any luck. The weather is going to be nice and sunny anyway. I?ll be warm for a few days at least. ???