This dress is bloody gorgeous. Proper vintage from the 1960s. I have dreamed of having a piece of vintage clothing for the longest time and when I found this dress – and it fitted me – I died! I *had* to have it!
I have owned it for a year, and have never worn it anywhere! I have been waiting for a reason…the right time. I was contemplating it for my birthday and the John Grant gig, but decided against it.
Laying in bed a couple of nights back, sleepless, listening to the Bard’s Tale, I thought “Oh wow! That’s the PERFECT opportunity for that dress to FINALLY get an outing! The Royal Concert Hall – you always need to be a bit glam for there (I was in a lovely black lace dress with white collar and cuffs at the Acoustic gig there in 2017 – Catherine complimented me on how I looked, which was nice ?) – and the dress has a look that will perfectly suit the occasion. Green Paisley print – it’s perfect!
So, yep! I’m doing it! This dress is getting its debut wearing at the Bard’s Tale gig.
I just gotta wear it out once…