AT LAST! My assignment is in! Two assignments to go for this module. One is a reflective assignment based on our own self-assessment. The final assignment may just see me tackling philosophy yet again…I KNOW!
Who’d have thought I’d be ‘doing’ philosophy (as they say) and enjoying it in this module?!
I’m going to allow myself a couple of days to chill and then I will be back at it, with no plan to take any more extended (more than two days in a row) time off until the Edinburgh gigs in mid August.
Until then, I MAY just be able to dedicate a little bit more time to this poor neglected site. Possibly even consider actually doing some posts about the anniversary of New Gold Dream coming up.
One thing for the calendar coming up is…I’ll be back on the radio this year with Ronnie McGhie as we mark New Gold Dream’s 40th Anniversary. Yes! Ronnie has invited me back on air to do it all over again. More details on that to come closer to the date.
But, for now….I need to enjoy my relief that my assignment IS IN!