Today’s post from Jim – much like yesterday’s…I can feel it ramping up. I get that he loves Italy…but I always feel like…something kind of ugly overtakes him whenever SM play there. Something … “unattractive” happens. All the bravado and the smugness creeps in.
Today when I read the post I thought “Geez, you’re sounding like the MP who said “anyone who can’t function in this heat is a snowflake.” Well, fuck you, cuntface! (the MP, I mean…just to clarify)
I lived for the first 28 years of my life in one of the hottest countries in the world, and when the heat’s with you for several months each and every year, then…you just endure. You have to. You have little choice. But the temperatures that will be experienced in the UK – particularly in England and Wales – over the next couple of days are truly unprecedented.
I’m in agreement with common sense here. After the whole Plato ‘Laches’ study I did for my assignment – I am not going to condone ANY ‘foolish endurance’ right now. If you don’t have to go to work – don’t. If you can keep yourself inactive and cool, do so! Don’t be a hero.
Leave the heroics and foolish endurance to the likes of Kerr – a man willing to play at a concert in 45 degree heat, in a jacket, so as to “not let the fans down”. Well…what WOULD have let the fans down is if you’d have died on stage! But what do I know? I’m just a weak (not so) little snowflake.
I always breathe a sigh of relief as an Italian leg of a tour comes to an end and humility returns. Bravo!
This photo (below) sums up what happens during the Italian leg of a tour…
I rest my case.