Mondays to me now are very much study days. And as I settle into a rhythm and routine pattern of study, Monday is the “get back to it!” day.
Saturdays are technically the start of a new study week and I am trying to keep ahead of time and not allow myself to fall behind on my coursework. I am in a very fortunate position to do that, I know, and so I intend to take full advantage of it.
My new study week begins on either Thursday or Friday. I allow myself a day off any study at all on Sunday and then are able to take enough downtime away during the rest of the week not to feel overwhelmed by the whole thing.
In this way, Sundays are a complete no-no for any study at all. And so Monday is “Right! Back to it, girly!“ – which now means that Monday morning my mind is filled with all the stuff I have been taking in on my subject of study so far and that Minds Music Monday is becoming somewhat of an after thought. I know!!

This week the study is on Mozart and I am absolutely loving it! Whoever organised this module (I think it’s a man called Richard Jones…? I’ll have to check that…) knew where my mind needed to be at after the stress of submitting my first assignment – with music.
I feel more in my comfort zone this week, which I know is not where you should be if you want your mind open to learning and expanding but I am not ENTIRELY within my comfort zone. The zone itself – music – is a comfort, but I have never, EVER studied ANY classical music like this before. Or Mozart either. My knowledge of classical music would leave plenty of space left on a postcard in all honesty. But the subject also plays to my strength, or what I hope is a strength, or one that I really would LIKE to be a strength – interpreting music and defining it.
I am loving listening to the music we’re being asked to listen to and to describe it and understand it in construct and contextually. To understand the tie between the music and Mozart and his reputation. As a consequence, Mozart’s Piano Sonata No.11, 3rd Movement, “Rondo Alla Turca” has been a constant earworm since I heard it as an identifiable Mozart piece (as I am obviously familiar with some classical pieces, but from Chopin, Arvo Part and the odd piece here and there, I don’t know which piece of music belongs to which composer) on Friday.
This whole block of study for the next four weeks really has me excited, for instead of historical figures, we’ll actually be looking at the arts and certain people within the arts – Mozart, Mary Wollstonecraft, Charles Dickens and Van Gogh.
Anyway! All of this is a preamble to say that for this week, because I sat here this morning thinking “OH BUGGER! IT’S MONDAY – IE: MINDS MUSIC MONDAY!” and I had nothing other than Mozart in my head, I decided to turn it into Mozart Music Monday instead. Lol
And I am sorry for all the student talk! I will try and be a bit less “my student days” and more “Oh, yeah, this site is about Simple Minds, eh?” here. But for now, enjoy this off-topic earworm.