I sadly missed the premiere radio play of The Anchoress’s new single, Show Your Face, this afternoon on BBC Radio 6 Music with Steve Lamacq as I was making my way into Glasgow’s West End (for my belated birthday treat of seeing GlasGlow at the Botanic Gardens – some vids and pics in a separate post for those interested. Lol) just as the show was starting.
But here is the video of the single on YouTube. What a fab video. And what a fab synth sound on the song. It’s well braw! I loved it when I heard it the first time at the Meltdown Festival in 2018. Geez! Feels like forever ago now!
But the other fab news is, we have a release date and pre-order details for the new Anchoress album, The Art Of Losing! Yaaaay! Awesome news! It’s a while off yet. It’s not out until next March, but Catherine tells me we will get to hear a new track each month until the album is released.
Details for pre-ordering can be found HERE
I have pre-ordered this beautiful bundle pictured.

And, of course, you can keep up-to-date on all the news by checking The Anchoress and Catherine’s social media pages.
Happy days!