I kept quiet about this on here…ever wishful I could place a bid. I was ssooo hoping that I would have the funds by now. But, alas, no. I watched the final minutes tick by. They have spent the past 24 hours on £325, and the thought they were going to go for that price was unbearable to me! With less than one minute to go, they were still on £325. I was nearly in tears at the thought they were going to end on that price!
Then, with 35 seconds to go they started to climb.
With just seconds to go, two final higher bids of £410 and then £460. I breathed a sigh that at that point, it probably would have gone out of my price range had I felt I could bid. I would have chased them to £500 had the funds been available to me.
I’ll never know if I’d have won them for £500. And perhaps when I do have funds some other amazing piece of SM memorabilia will come along? Jim’s leather boots from 1982! Now THEY would be the boots I’d REALLY want!
Whoever won them…I hope you cherish them! And…we all know Jim’s a Size 9 shoe now 😉 (Same size as my OH…rather worryingly – now THERE’S a story to tell there! That you will NEVER hear from me…)
You can see the auction details by clicking here.