I may just turn Jim into one too. Lol. Given the Bowie postcards and stamps I have sent him. Well, here’s a new addition. And of course, now he’s in Sicily, writing posts thanking people for all the gifts and “stuff” they have left, it’ll appear I am “bandwagon-ing” – but I bought this earlier in the week…before it was even known he was over there.
And seeing as I’m sure he never visits this pathetic excuse for a Simple Minds blog…I’m sure it’ll be safe to reveal what I got him. He can consider it an early Christmas present! I’m sure the soon-to-be (on May 25th, 1967) eight year old Jim Kerr would have loved this. Let’s hope that inner child springs eternal in the 58 year old version.
It’s only now, sharing these pics, did I take in the significance of the date of this anniversary year. May 25th, 2017. Bridlington! Well, that will now always be a very special date for me. Perhaps not the first time I met him…but the best meeting I had with him. It’ll be with me all the rest of my days. Disown me if you must, Sir…but I will never stop thanking you, or adoring you.
I flippin pray to god you don’t already have a copy!
(The only thing I did in altering these pics was obscure the number in the run of 5000 that Jim will be getting. That’s for his eyes only!)