I went to see Last Night In Soho yesterday – the latest feature film by Edgar Wright, the man behind The Sparks Brothers.
I had no intention of really reviewing this film. Film reviews here I want to keep to music documentaries. And it won’t be a big review by any means, but I enjoyed this film so much, I had to talk about it.
I don’t usually do gore and violence very often and although not really touted as a horror film, I could see from the trailer shown at the cinema a few weeks back that it was potentially going to be a bit bloody.
I bought my ticket about a week ago after having seen The French Despatch. I didn’t even take in at the time that the ticket showed Last Night In Soho having an 18 certificate. Holy heck!
From seeing the trailer I saw that Terence Stamp was in it but I was surprised to see other stellar actors like Rita Tushingham and the wonderful (and sadly departed) Dame Diana Rigg also appear. In fact, it wasn’t until Dame Diana appeared on the screen did the dedication of “for Diana” at the start of the film make sense.
A review without spoilers is going to be fun but I will try my best. All the actors were brilliant. The young cast members were great, esp. the leading roles of Thomasin McKenzie and Anya Taylor-Joy (of Queen’s Gambit fame).
The music was great, the plot, I thought, was great. A fabulous twist that I didn’t see coming at all. And as I say, fabulous performances from Terence Stamp, Rita Tushingham and Diana Rigg. Her last film performance as far as I am aware, and what a performance to end a wonderful career on.
I didn’t think anything was too languid, or too slow paced, or I didn’t feel there were any holes in the plot. I wasn’t watching my watch wondering when it was going to end. I feel I’ve seen things with as much gore that have had a 15 certificate. I didn’t think it was overly graphic, but there are good scares to be had in there!
I’d recommend it. If you want to hear some great music on a film soundtrack, see some fabulous acting and have a bit of a spook and a bit of a scream, go see Last Night In Soho.