It’s Halloween on Sunday, and I’ll be 51 – YAY! Pfft! Lol
What am I doing to celebrate? Not much – but more than I got to do last year. A milestone birthday, “celebrated” in the middle of a pandemic was ssoooo joyous! Lol
Anyway, this year I get a night out in Edinburgh, seeing my favourite musical, I get a free meal out, and I get to sleep in as the clocks go back the morning of my birthday. Pretty sweet, huh?
I may even drink myself stupid. Who knows? I decided against it last year as I couldn’t face being hungover. This year, the idea of being hungover and worst for wear feels rather appealing. We’ll see.
On to Simple Minds and it being Minds Music Monday. They’ve given us a number of dark themed tracks to associate with Halloween over the years. Be it deliberate or inadvertent.
I was listening to one of my plethora of Simple Minds playlists on Spotify last night and this track played. Only a day or two earlier, I had been admiring my artwork I had made for it. I really do like this artwork. And I love that line “the clothes he wears date back to the war”. It does remind me of Monty Python’s Flying (Prospecthill) Circus. (See what I did there? Lol)
It’s a great track. Nice and dark. Intelligent. Made by two boys of barely 21 (all the other members being that bit older – Brian not that much older than Jim and Charlie, but older nonetheless). Filled with that European dystopian imagery that Jim liked to subject us to at that point in time. I always think of Bowie on Dinah Shore’s show when he’s on with Iggy, and he talks of how he got to know ‘Jim’ (Osterberg) and his music and said “I just loooooove nihilism!”, in a fay and foolish manner – being comedically sarcastic. Lol
So…enjoy Today I Died Again. Happy MMM Halloween!
UPDATE: For good measure (and fun) – Bowie, Iggy and “nihilism”.
I absolutely love this song from E&D…It just has a certain darkness to it.. my pick for Halloween SM song is Pleasantly Disturbed…from the moment I first heard it , it creeped me out something awful…lol…Happy early Halloween, and birthday too…( youngster)…???
Thanks, Dave ??
Pleasantly Disturbed is bloody fab too.