I have been concentrating on getting my blog tidied up and streamlined. Yesterday the very hefty outlay for the blog was paid. It was also more expensive than I had anticipated so it really brought me down.
As I said in a recent post, I am trying to migrate my site to somewhere else but it has meant swallowing the cost of that $US360 bill for…well, if I’m lucky, two weeks and can get a refund if the migration proves successful. At the worst, possibly a downgrade of the plan I am currently on, which will slash what my outlay is and shouldn’t alter the day to day running of the site fundamentally, but it will limit the amount I can post.
All of this has overshadowed any kind of excitement I could have for the Simple Minds UK leg of their 2024 world tour announced on Monday.
This morning, a dear friend got in contact to say they were thinking of coming to Glasgow for the gig and asked me if I would be going. I explained I had zilch money and that I would maybe looked at buying a ticket some time down the track as for now it just wasn’t possible.
“I’d like to have company. I’ll buy you a ticket and you can pay me back in instalments.”
Well, holy heck! I was not expecting that, at all! And so, I am actually going to see Simple Minds at the Hydro of Good Friday next year.
It’s a bloody soundcheck ticket! This I didn’t even know until later today. I hadn’t even investigated ticket prices or anything. Just whether there was going to be GA standing or not. Once I realised there wasn’t going to be a GA standing area, I didn’t look any further as I deemed myself “out of the running.” I couldn’t face the thought of not being near the front at a Minds gig, so there was no point torturing myself.
Then along came an angel this morning and…well. I’m going to at least one Simple Minds gig next year! It will in all likelihood be the only one. I can’t see myself going to any others – but this one will be a doozey and I have a wonderful person to thank for that as well,as attend the show with.
You know who you are and I can’t thank you enough! Let the countdown to Good Friday commence!