Today sees the release of the paperback edition of the Simple Minds biography written by Graeme Thomson, Themes For Great Cities. I already have two copies of the Hardcover edition, as well as a Kindle edition – but the completist in me will also grab a copy of the paperback edition at some point in the near future.
If, for some strange reason beyond my understanding, you haven’t bought yourself a copy of the book so far then get yourself a paperback copy at least!
At the initial pre-order stage of the paperback release, my review on the Hachette site sat nicely and proudly right at the top of the page. It’s taken a slide down the rankings now but still sits above the Mail on Sunday’s review. I’ll take the small victories, for sure! Lol

Themes For Great Cities paperback edition retails for £10.99 and is available through all good booksellers and directly through the Hachette website HERE