Tonight Jim and Charlie join Tim Burgess on Absolute Radio to play the original 1982 studio album version of New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84) as part of Tim’s Listening Party. You can catch it at 10pm GMT (Sunday 5 November 2023). Colours Fly And Catherine Wheel being the most apt song one can listen to on Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes…whatever you like to refer to November 5th as).
As a side note, it’s the anniversary of my first ever visit to Glasgow. I arrived on the evening of November 5th, 2016. I was here to take part in the quiz show Fifteen To One. A thing in my life that I don’t think would have ever eventuated without a certain Mr Kerr filling me with the chutzpah that has long since left me to attempt such things. Was it scary? Yes! Did I have a load of fun? Yes! Did I do well in the show? I came fourth in one show (you have three attempts in a kind of “three strikes and your out” opportunity with the show), which spurred me on for a second attempt in 2018 (I didn’t do any better. In fact, I did a little worse the second time around only managing as far as fifth in one round). It also cemented the notion that if the opportunity ever arose, I would up sticks and move to Glasgow. And here we are, coming up to the 4th anniversary of our move here in 2019. There is no place I would rather be. My heart really DOES belong to Glasgow. It has done since the first night I arrived.
Happy Bonfire Night!