Ah, well…look who’s playing with my heart strings AGAIN! The cheek of him! It took just ONE like. One like. He disnae “like” me today though. Lol. Dare he like me loosely mentioning “cum” – dare we misconstrue things or have ANY kind of fun with the mildest of innuendo? Stop making me pine for days gone by when I could get away with comments in response to “come on the arse” and the very blatant track my mind went down with that post on Arsenal and the club’s fan chant. Thems were the days!
Besides, I was talking about a drink made of a fruit that has a rather tenuous name. Not my fault it’s called a kumquat. I didn’t name it that! And that cocktail was fooking fantastic! I still do genuinely dream of it. Though I have had some fabulous cocktails since then.
Aside all of that talk of innuendo, the thing that got me thinking was this idea that there can be logic behind superstition.
Jim’s post today. Yes! He’s posted again! I mean…what the hey!? Is he bored? Lol
He talked about being a “superstitious type.” Really, Jim? You strike me as being many things (many very lovely things at times, in fact….) but superstitious is NEVER a trait that I would have ever pegged on you. I mean…like what other examples are there for your reputed superstitious nature? Apart from having a tipple for New Year. Where else is this “superstitious type” that you have declared yourself as evident?
And on this superstitious nature you speak of it being “mostly without logic.” Erm…is that not the nature of ALL superstition? Did I miss the memo that informed us of there being LOGIC behind certain superstitions? I mean…theorised REASONS behind them, yes. But logic? I mean, take something like avoiding cracks in the pavement. I guess one could argue there is a KIND of logic in it as one may be trying to avoid a trip hazard – but that’s not really where this avoiding cracks in the pavement superstition seems to have stemmed from. This just sounds like I am wanting to pick apart his post. Lol. Sorry, Jim! I’ve just never seen much evidence of you being that superstitious and I’m quite amazed you’d express such a … fault. It does have me wondering how much of the superstitions we have come from the neuro-divergent world? To me that would be the most “logical” place for these quirks to stem from. That’s my reckoning behind some of them anyway. I have no evidence for it – it’s pure theory.
This thing about him not being a drinker. Perhaps these days that might be true but I have heard enough stories from the past that contradict this notion. Evidenced in footage of him swigging on a wine bottle in the little documentary piece of Simple Minds in Brussels in 1983 that’s on YouTube. I do believe he drank more than he ever makes out. And no, not to be social, per se, or for the enjoyment of it necessarily – but he did drink. I think the “not a drinker” thing is just his way of saying “I’m not a drunkard” – no one ever thought you were, Jim. Though…I’ve heard stories there too!

Perhaps today’s post was all down to him wanting to help me out with my writing? Haha! Yeah. I think not. Anyway, I’m nearing 600 words now, so that ain’t bad. Thanks, Jim!
Let’s talk about water. You’re right on that one, dear sir. Water SHOULD be deemed the most sacred drink of all. We’d be pretty fucked as a species without it! But this then breeds into your superstitions thread that, in antiquity and up until recent times (as late as the 19th century), water was considered a dangerous thing to consume (lack of filtration being the primary cause for this), and even to bathe in! Particularly in the middle ages. I know! There was logic within this one though, yes. Okay…I see your point now that SOME superstitions could derive from a place of logic…but by and large they are irrational. Here’s some info on water consumption in the middle ages.
I enjoy the notion of TARDIS travel back to certain periods of the past…until I think about how much people must have stunk back then. Lol. Not to mention the general filth of a major town or city in those times. The idea of the TARDIS travel then ends up very unappealing. I’ll settle for a trip back to the early 80s and a Minds gig and a gawp at Jim’s ripe little titties. Lol.
Anyway…where’s this post going? Who knows…
Cocktails? Kumquat margaritas?
Perhaps Jim read my mind as only in the past couple of days had I been thinking about whether I’d like a drink or not for New Year and if I were to have a tipple what would it be and would I drink to excess (ie: actually purposefully get hammered)? Hmmm. Pretty sure I got hammered last year thinking about it now. I had a drinking companion last year so it was a good excuse to get steamin’.
Anyway, I doubt I’ll bother this year. Uni recommences tomorrow (technically) so…best not be getting myself on the swallies the noo.
Happy New Year!

P.S. Thanks for getting me to write out another 900 words today, Mr Kerr.
?Up the Arse? is another Arsenal fan chant which is not much better to be fair.?
Yikes! Lol. I?m not saying any more. I?ll get myself into trouble. ???