I’ve posted this on SMO…but in case he misses it (as if he’s going to see it here! Pffft!)
***I’m currently playing catch up listening to last night’s Billy Sloan Show on BBC Radio Scotland and he just played 70 Cities As Love Brings The Fall.
And, seeing as I am meeting tight lips and closed (Simple) minds about Sons And Fascination and Semi-Monde, I might as well go out on a limb and see how far I get asking you about my other quizzical line that I just love hearing every time it plays.
“When the other side of midnight calls / remind me I’m glad to be here”. I always find that curiously downbeat for you, Jim. Because it’s not saying “I’m glad to be here” but “REMIND ME I’m glad to be here”. That’s a very different connotation. That portrays…I dunno…heaven forbid should I say it? … Cynicism!?
It always conjures up a post-gig scene for me. A quiet after show soiree and you not being particularly interested in being there.
I mean…most of the lyrics in the song are pretty left field anyway (I mean…who cries from the right eye first?…I’m not taking a shot, I adore your lyrics. I think you know that by now…if you don’t then…well…erm…???) but that line has always stuck out in particular for some reason for me.
Dunno why.
Anyway…just thinking out loud. As you were, Mr Kerr.***
(It’s a REALLY old one, that lyric piece. Made at mum’s. That’s her clock.)