Please, Jim! If you EVER visit this godforsaken blog! Please! Just keep it in! For want of ever being able to hear Wonderful In Young Life or Boys From Brazil being played….or even Seeing Out The Angel for that matter.
You absolutely blew me away playing This Earth That You Walk Upon back in February. I will just be…just. I’ll leave you alone. I’ll never talk to you again. I’ll go and hide in a cave for etenity. Lol. Or whatever you’d prefer me to do (“fuck off in whatever style you see fit”, he says).
1. Hunter And The Hunted at Aix-Les-Bains
2. Delivered in the flamingo shirt
3. Accompanied with the Hokusai scarf – even if only used as a stage prop (ie: draped around the microphone stand…unless of course you deemed it too special and fragile to wear…then I’ll forgive you)
Remember this? What it means?! The love that comes with it…