….and very much vice versa! Old fancies die hard, eh? I was in need of a bucket at one point! Lol. It was getting a bit sickly. (Moi? Jealous? Don’t be daft! As if I could compete with the magnificently mellifluous Mariella…ever, let alone “sometimes”)
Nice to hear him say her name more than a few times. The combination of the ‘r’ ‘e’ and ‘l’s near to my own name means I can enjoy it rolling off his tongue and dream a little…
Anyway, before I make myself sick now, enjoy! C
lick on the audio link below to listen.

That was really good but they played the wrong bloody song at the end. Amateurs.?
OMG! Lol. I didn?t think it sounded right. I?m not THAT up with my Doors tunes, but I was thinking ?this doesn?t sound like The End to me? Ah, but what do I know?? ????
What about that Princes Street Gardens gig, eh? ALL OF NEW GOLD DREAM?OMG! It will be sssoooo amazing!
As good as it sounds can you imagine it in a smaller indoor venue like the Barras? I’m hoping they add a couple of more dates to this idea( possibly if PSGdns sells out)
Maybe that?ll be the plan for 2023? Who knows? I?m pissed that Covid scuppered any plans for their being an anniversary celebration for Sons/Sister. That sucked arse. I was dreaming for that to be done. I missed all the good stuff! #FML
Thank-you so much for putting this on your blog. What a great interview. And to see and hear Jim at the same time I was able to pick up so much more than just hearing his voice. Mariella did a great job and because they have history you could feel how much more relaxed Jim was to say what he said, and how it was spoken was brilliant. Both he and Charlie need to be where they are right now for many reasons, that most people, most lightly, will not understand. But I am positive, what they do creatively, and musically will prove great for and in the future….
Well, I guess in the grand scheme of things – when the world is, quite literally, your oyster, why would you stay in the place you were raised? I mean, I can hardly talk! I live on the other side of the world from where I was born and I couldn?t be happier. It?s only the frisson of the ?chance encounter? that is gone. Hey ho. That?s the way life goes.
My love for Glasgow is as strong as ever. ??