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Some Things Can Be Missed

Despite how, in many ways my fandom feels like it is in decline…

I don’t want to say too much. I am, for the most part, trying to stay away from it all – as, at times, it can be too painful. Akin to the loss of a loved one.

This morning I had a photo posted on my FB feed from my beautiful friend, Ally. She and my other friend, Gillian, have been waiting many a long year for Simple Minds to return Downunder. Ally reassured me that I’m in for a treat when SM arrive back to the UK and make it to Glasgow at Easter.

Here, I share the photo of the ‘wee shrinking violet’ that was captured. Bless beautiful Ally, her enthusiasm floweth over when it came to taking photos at the gig with this being the only decent one she captured herself.

Two successful shows at the Opera House (performed on one night) now in the bag, the band continue on with the tour, first in Melbourne and then on to Adelaide for a Valentine’s treat for the people of Adelaide who’ve had a MUCH LONGER wait to have SM back in their fair beautiful city.

I wish all the fans down there many a good time yet. Soak it all up while it lasts.

Along with seeing them in Sydney – my plans way back when, was to also see them play Melbourne. I love the place as much if not more than Sydney. It’s had a special place in my heart since having our honeymoon there some (very soon to be) 26 years ago. In fact, my artwork of Someone Somewhere In Summertime (see featured image of post) contains a photo taken from our hotel room on the first night of our honeymoon.

Anyway, enough nostalgia-tripping and lamenting. The Oz fans are loving the shows and are making “burning gold memories” and that’s all that matters.

I just wanted to share this image and thank Ally for thinking of me. You are the most empathetic and loving soul I have ever met in my entire life. You believe in the inherent good in all people and I commend you for that. I am humbled to call you one of my dearest friends. Much love to you, and have a ball at the rest of the gigs you have coming up.

Souvenirs from “home”.
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