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Minds Music Monday – Hunter And The Hunted – Australia, 1982

There’s a recording I have from Sydney but there is one on YT from Melbourne – same tour, around 10 days apart. To me, when I listen to both these recordings, Jim sounds thoroughly exhausted – especially on both recordings of Hunter And The Hunted – and they both are placed early in the set.

The thing I love most about these versions of HATH is that towards the end as Jim is singing those “only with you life moves so fast” lines, he sings one of them with emphasis (for Oz audiences only, it seems, as I am pretty certain he doesn’t emphasise the words like this at any other time – same as he does with King Is White And In The Crowd – again, for Oz only, more accurately Sydney…he knows us Aussie c*nts too well. Lol) and sings “with you life moves so FUCKING fast”. That always gives me an extra buzz, and extra ripple of delight. Call me shallow!

These days he doesn’t even sing the line at all, but that doesn’t mean HATH is any less appealing and wow – the visual display it had at the gigs this year with those wild horses cantering through the Badlands? MAGIC!

If the auto skip embed hasn’t worked – Hunter And The Hunted starts at 11:35

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