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Making An Effort…


Here I am…making an effort…

I’m just too busy to write out a post. I tried to be as short as I could with this and tried reigning in waffling on. I know some of you don’t like these and I appreciate that but I had to get this stuff off my chest. In the meantime, the book takes over all other things so it’s hard for me to devote any time to typing out long blog posts. My apologies. It may end up like this for a couple of months yet. Deadline for the book is 31 August after all.

Anyway….please watch, if you have the time and/or inclination. Ta ra!

Making An Effort 22/06/24

Also, I thought I’d add a link to the FABULOUS Amsterdam gig I was alluding to in my vlog post because it’s fucking awesome and I love it. Oh, they were so good, SO GOOD! And Jim was just….my absolute wet dream back then! Delicious!

Adios, amigos!

Simple Minds - Melkweg, Amsterdam, 23rd March 1980 (FM Broadcast)
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