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What I Had Dreamed Of In Paris…

This was the kind of anecdote I had wished for in 2022 in Paris when I asked the question of Jim and Charlie for their early days tour memories of Australia. Of course, what I ended up getting from Jim was some address about why they hadn’t announced any tour dates for Oz yet. By that time I knew I would never be going back to Australia and never would be seeing them live out there, so it wasn’t something I was interested in hearing at all. All I could think about when he was giving me this spiel was “Just tell me a fucking story, Jim! Why are you telling me this? I don’t care! I won’t be going out there anyway. Please just tell me a great story.” I guess I’d put him on the spot and he needs to have his routine sorted out weeks in advance. Forget learning the lyrics – the standup routine is more important these days. Lol.

Anyway, Charlie came to the rescue when Jim was done with me and fobbed me off to Mr Bubble. He regaled nicely enough.

Fast forward to Sydney on February 8th and I see this…Kerr, recounting the day of their arrival in Sydney for the first time. This is all that I had wished for in Paris. All that would have made me super happy. (See link below for video on FB)

Never mind. What does it matter now, eh?

So I guess when the ‘R Word’ finally does happen, we may see a certain J Kerr on the bill at The Stand, Glee Club or Blackfriars? Maybe he’ll just stick to downtown Tao and perform in his best Glastaliano?

Who knows? Until then, Mac gets a taste of his own medicine with the off-the-cuff ‘if you like that sort of thing’ remark.

Jim’s memories of arriving in Sydney in 1981

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