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Minds Music Monday – Someone Somewhere In Summertime (Pete Herbert Edit)

The YouTube ‘rabbit hole’ had me stumble upon this one. I chose a list of ‘unplayed’ Simple Minds YT videos. Down the list, this appeared. It was the wording on the ident of the video that initially caught my eye, made me curious and had me listen to it.

“Darkness has never been so bright” with that added little “back in the light” smaller typeface there below it made me think about how I have described SM music as “the black light.” I HAD to give this mix a listen.

I’m generally not a fan of too many remixes. Don’t get me wrong! There have been some really fabulous mixes of SM songs. A number of them are personal favourites. But these days…. Few seem to bring something new. If they can do that, great work. Others just basically extend the existing groove and melody and overall don’t add anything new to proceedings – yes, I’m talking to YOU – Mollem Studios! Just the same old tag a 90 second loop on at the start and pad it out at the end – that’s all Mollem Studios seem to do. It’s just lazy and ssooooo formulaic! Have some innovation, will ya. Geez!

I really like this by Pete Herbert. At first I was worried it had been turned completely instrumental. That Jim’s voice was removed almost entirely (apart from I minute part of “stay” audible), but not so. And I loved the shake up of the lyric to have him singing “stay burning slow.” I know! But just that removal of “I’m” and the condensing of that space between him singing “stay” and then starting “I’m burning slow” is flipping GENIUS! Also the way the vocal has been blended and with just a bit of faded chorus – it’s bloody gorgeous.

I can’t believe this mix has been on YT nearly TWO YEARS and I’ve only just heard it for the first time!

Also the length of it is perfect too. As much as I love Somerset Johnson’s work…sometimes his mixes can drag on. I have to be in the right state of mind to enjoy his mixes. This mix is the perfect length for its style.

I REALLY enjoyed this. I hope you do too. Happy MMM. Happy Boxing Day!

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