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Minds Music Monday – Planet Zero

I was really looking forward to being TOTALLY absorbed into the new album. I had high hopes, you know. All I was hearing from it, then the first couple of plays. Then waiting for the promotional dust to settle and just….fall deeply in love.

And then a spanner was thrown into the works. The CD and my sheer and “too invested” and “taking things too personally” blank CD really just…yeah. It’s terrible. Terrible how I let it affect me and terrible how I reacted to it and how much it has put a kind of stigma on the album for me. I have this kind of aversion to it at the moment. All self-induced, of course and although songs can still play as earworms at times, I keep trying to dampen them.

The last time I played the album was the night before “the CD” arrived. I’ve gone to play it over the past few days, then change my mind. Like, I just can’t bring myself to do it. A very similar thing happened during the time of the “Real Fans” saga. That time it affected EVERYTHING. I couldn’t listen to them at all. All of it was a trigger. This time at least it only appears to be DOTH, but I’m angry about that because as I say I was really looking forward to spending a lot of time with this album. When “Real Fans” happened, Walk Between Worlds had been out several months and it was quite strongly entrenched in me already by that time. There’d been quite a few shows under my belt that year by then too. But it made the next few hard.

So, yeah. What’s the purpose of this post? Well…it was MEANT to be about Minds Music Monday and how I feel I should be concentrating on songs from Direction Of The Heart just now but I feel somewhat stymied by recent events. With that in mind, today’s highlight comes by way of my newly arrived bit of memorabilia to add to the collection. The latest issue of Electronic Sound magazine with the limited edition 7” vinyl of I Travel and Planet Zero being able to be added to the purchase. The postie had just delivered it as I’ve been typing this out. He had impeccable timing!

Planet Zero seems indicative of how things are in the broader sense right now. A track that I really wasn’t sure about, initially dismissed as something that just wasn’t doing it for me and then a few listens later, the “eureka” moment. An epiphany. Will I go to the trouble of playing the vinyl on the turntable? Probably not. But I wanted it anyway. The “collectables” anorak in me. Not all collectable anoraks are white middle-aged men. Lol. Some are white middle-aged women. Lol. Oh, the diversity of it all!

Happy MMM!

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