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Simple Minds Down Under on The Billy Sloan Show This Saturday (9 March)

On the Facebook profile for Billy Sloan’s radio show he posted that this Saturday’s show the airing of ‘Simple Minds Down Under’ will take place. Of course there is the ‘mysterious’ A&R man that Billy keeps mentioning that I keep wondering whether it’s Ross Stapleton or not. I guess I’ll find out on Saturday!

This week’s musical topic for the show is a rather disturbing one. Well, I guess one part of last week’s one was too, seeing as it was about either life OR death. This week’s is about war and/or conflict. Not the cheeriest of topics, it has to be said, and one that is strange to choose when having one of the world’s most musically uplifting bands on your show. Lol. I guess it’s always good to have that ‘yin/yang’ thing of life reflected in most things that we do.

So, that’s my Saturday sorted! I must admit that the night before I was drifting off to sleep wondering when this show was going to be announced. I was thinking that surely it needed to be this weekend because Billy had stated it would be aired before they set off on their UK leg of the tour and time was ticking. It had me thinking that if it was being aired NEXT Saturday (ie: Saturday week), then I (and a bunch of other Minds fans come to that) would be in the AO Arena in Manchester watching them play! Thankfully none of us are going to miss out listening to it. Phew!

In case you need reminding, you catch Billy’s show on BBC Radio Scotland on Saturday night from 10pm, or you can listen again on BBC Sounds.

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