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Minds Music Monday – Spaceface

I had been looking at anniversaries of release dates and although we are now in July and I could have easily chosen the quite obvious C Moon Cry Like A Baby as we have only just passed the “outside it’s hot, the first of July” significance (hinted at in last week’s post on the Roskilde Festival anniversary), I decided I would go with another choice.

The anniversary of its release was in June. I don’t know exactly when in June it was released, just that it was June. It wasn’t very long ago that I last chose to highlight this song for MMM but I find myself wanting to choose it again.

It uplifts me like no other song. For fear of repeating myself, it’s my happy song and the line of “you’ll soon be home, I’ll be there / you’re not alone” can overwhelm me – because I was “at home” but “away from home”. It was 2015/16 and I was out in Australia spending what I had suspected back then to be the final months that I’d have being with my mum. I did feel really alone out there but, as I have said many times before, Jim didn’t make me feel so alone when I was out there.

This song was such a therapeutic thing. It both soothed me and alleviated my anxieties and uplifted me. It was okay to feel happy. I would close my eyes “and take a trip” – listening to all that glorious Simple Minds music, helping me to feel less afraid and able to sleep at night for a while.

I don’t think I’d have coped so well being out in Oz at that time without their music, without Spaceface, without Jim being so kind and just… being there. It meant the world to me. It always will. For that alone, I will be eternally grateful.

I usually go for the Tomcraft Mix – but not today. I’m wanting the slower pace of the original album version.

Belated Happy Anniversary, Spaceface. You look mighty fine for 21!


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