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Sense Of Discography…

THAT’S the title that Record Collector could (or SHOULD) have gone with for their piece on SM in their latest edition. There’s a great interview with Jim in there and … OH MY DAYS! HAPPY KERRSDAY! A Sheila Rock gem inside too (see pic)! A rare one for Sheila to get Jim covered up. Lol. (Damn! Where are his titties? Lol. Jesus I’m a lecherous cow! ???)

But…they needed to flip the image and actually make it a touch lighter…so I did it myself!

I will share the interview in a few weeks time. In the meantime, if you want to read it and you live in the UK, get yourself to a WH Smith, or other magazine seller of your choice and grab a copy of RC (a small inset photo of Jim is on the cover).


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