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All Shows Performed – But At What Ultimate Cost?

So, this first part of the Global Tour 2024 came to an end last night in Milan. Jim has just posted a very heartfelt post regarding the show and his feelings on it. He wrote about how ill he was, describing having difficulty breathing, an infection in both lungs and that making him feel weak – obviously! He said he was given medical advice to rest all day. And that he should have rested all night as well. And probably should have been resting all week.

Well, yes, Jim! You should have! Medical advice is not given on a whim! You’re not the 24 year old spritely man who suffered a chest infection during the Tour du Monde in 1984, having to postpone several gigs. You’re 64! And your health is vital at this time in your life. I don’t know what it is you have about this “pride” in not having to cancel or postpone any gigs since those ones in 1984 – but again I reiterate, you’re NOT 24 anymore.

As a fan, I would understand if ANY Simple Minds gigs needed a postponement due to your health. ANY Simple Minds fan worth their salt would.

Can I also talk about the potential for a substandard performance? Quintessentially – would anyone think it’s fair to pay for a ticket for a gig and know that the lead singer/front person is suffering ill health, and despite their best Herculean efforts, just cannot deliver a performance that they would do when they are in fine and rude health? Jim weighs up the cost between ‘letting himself down’ vs ‘letting the audience down’. I feel that in refusing to ‘let himself down’, he does run the real risk of ‘letting the audience down.’ The ultimate cost of persevering with the show IS, I’m afraid to say, delivering a substandard performance – no matter how you try and gloss over it.

Kudos to the crowds that went to shows this week, as largely they seemed accepting of the fact that Jim was performing through ill health and may not deliver a performance to his normally incredibly high standard.

I just can’t help but worry about the ramifications of doing such a thing to Jim’s own personal health. I know there are MANY other factors to consider. There’d probably be a financial compensatory element to it – having to pay a fee to the venue for a no show, a payout to promoters, finding availability to reschedule shows, etc, etc. I’m sure it’s an absolute minefield and I am pretty sure that plays into Jim’s reluctance to postpone or cancel shows. Having said that, I feel that the strongest aspect of it is this ‘strong man’ fallacy Jim has in his head. That it would be a sign of weakness, an admission of defeat, to postpone or cancel any shows. Which is ridiculous for a man of his age to have as a mindset. For the love of God, Jim! You need to look after yourself! I mean…this whole retirement talk that was happening last year, and talked about at the end of the Everything Is Possible documentary. You’re so paradoxical it’s unreal! You have NOTHING to prove. When it comes to health, stop trying to be ‘the big man.’

The paradox this time is that in his post he admitted being moved to tears by the crowd in Milan. Outwardly, publicly, showing his ‘weakness.’ Again, playing into this whole Glesga ‘hard man’ ethos. The very same thing that made him persevere to perform on the night in the first place – all this week. When, really – he should NOT have been performing at all.

Part of me wants to marvel at him. Praise his grit and ‘never say die’ attitude. And the other part of me says ‘You fucking idiot! What are you doing to yourself?’ Also…have you considered that you’re not giving 100% on the night and how is that fair on the fans that have paid for their tickets to witness you performing at your best? (Yes, I am taking on full ‘Devil’s advocate’ mode here!)

The upside of it all is it is now the end of this leg of the tour and Jim can get all the rest and recuperation he needs until the gig they have for the Cruel World festival in California on 11 May – some three weeks away. Is it enough down time in real terms? Well, it’s a whole lot better than the no time at all he’s been giving himself lately. Also, it is just one show in a calendar that is otherwise free until the middle of June (beginning in Le Mans on 15 June).

So, for now, Jim Kerr, Mr Kerr – stubborn mule – DO AS YOU’RE TELT! Rest, recover, and then knock the crowds dead again in the summer. You know I wish I could be there.

Next post I will do a more generalised reflection on this whole first leg of the tour.

NB: featured image was from the 2022 tour.

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