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When My ‘Sole Obsession’ Was On Fire…

I made ssooooo many gifs during the early days of my fandom. A lot of them survive but haven’t been very searchable due to various mis-labelings or just general crapiness with my blog. The largest set of gifs come from Simple Minds’ appearance on The Tube in 1982. I was OBSESSED with the way Jim looked during that performance. I thought (in all honesty still DO think) he was the sexiest, sweatiest, most delicious thing I have ever seen in my life! And OMG, is it reflected in all the little gifs I made from this show. I’ve just done some tidying by condensing 12 gifs into a single blog post. You can view them all here – I just wanted to link to it today because it’s a grey old dreich day here in Glasgow – and Jim is sweat and sunshine in human form! The man is an adonis! Okay, it ain’t Kerrsday, yet….but WHATEVER!

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