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A False Alarm! And An Anticipatory Minds Music Monday

close up shot of a red alarm clock

Photo by Ann H on

Today Jim has posted about, understandably, still reeling from John Giblin’s passing. The weather in Tao at present seems to be fitting the tone.

My friend, Michelle, is currently over there, so I’ve had a somewhat vested interest in keeping an eye on the weather out there. Good weather is set to return in time for her birthday – which is fab. It would have been awfully unfortunate for her to have gone over to Sicily and experienced a week of gloomy weather, while Glasgow basks in glorious sunshine all week. Conversely, that’s great news for Julz, who’ll be making her way over here for a week from tomorrow. What one hand gives, etc….

Hopefully, all will be well for all very soon…Michelle, Julz, and Mr Kerr.

At the end of his Facebook post came an apology in which he confessed to somewhat “jumping the gun” when alluding to tour news being imminent. The postscript said “hold that thought” (to paraphrase). The news has been delayed for the interim. No worries, Sir. Can’t see myself in the position of going to any more than two gigs next time anyway. I’m sure he’s crying in his latte at the thought…well, most likely espresso or americano for him, I’m guessing.

Anyway, that segues nicely into the next gig I have coming up! After what feels like MONTHS of waiting, the Sparks gig is happening at the Armadillo on Friday and I am absolutely BUZZING with anticipation for this one! A rare one in which I’ve been able to coax the OH along. In fact, she’s been a Sparks lover since Kimono My House so it didn’t take THAT much persuading to get her to accompany me.

I was having my usual dilemma of what track to pick for Minds Music Monday and then I thought it could really only be one thing, couldn’t it? I mean, it could ‘only, only, ONLY, ONLY,’ be one thing. Lol

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