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Minds Music Monday – Life In Oils 2023 Extended Version

If you know me, you know my love for Life In Oils. All of that heavy breathing and panting from Jim at the start of it is just sssooo bloody sexy! This mix has been nicely done. They haven’t overcooked it and the adding of the drums has really lifted it.

In my DREAMS stuff like this would be done for a … now the time has passed and it ain’t gonna happen, fucking goddamnit … SONS AND FASCINATION/SISTER FEELINGS CALL box set! The ONLY box set I will EVER buy in future is one for those albums. Anyway….rant done.

This is great. I listened to Boys From Brazil from 110Berlin last week and I thought it was good but wasn’t really that bowled over – it was good but not different enough, you know? It’s hard to improve on absolute perfection though. This extended Life In Oils really works. Me likey! And the thing I like this time is that it isn’t overly busy and not overcooked.

Anyway, see what you think. Happy MMM!

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