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The Blues Over Brown

Sarah Brown has a new single out from her superb ‘….Sings Mahalia Jackson’ album. The track is called Didn’t It Rain and it is my favourite track off the album.

Next Monday I fly down to London to see Sarah play the iconic jazz venue in Soho, Ronnie Scott’s. The gig is a sellout and I believe this is her debut solo performance, and I would give my eye teeth to ask her about it, but my numerous requests for an interview with her have led to nothing and now I am just too disheartened to even continue to try. I don’t know where the line is – the line between assertive persistence and just coming across as an annoying a**hole. As I say, I’ve asked several times, been told it could happen, only for nothing to eventuate.

I have a good record of interviews behind me. I know I come with NO journalistic merit! I’m not a writer for one of the major music mags, I don’t work on radio, I haven’t got a mega successful blog – but what I lack in experience I felt I made up for with enthusiasm and a great approach and attention to detail with my subjects. I felt my list of interviewees was broad enough to ring impressive; Jane Henderson, Bruce Findlay, Steve Jefferis of Warm Digits, Catherine Anne Davies – aka The Anchoress, Stuart Crouch, Graeme Thomson. I don’t think this is too shabby a list for a complete two bit novice, right?

No guesses as to who my absolute ‘creme de la creme’ interview would be, but I know that ain’t ever going to happen in a month of Sundays. And that’s fine. But I really had high hopes for Sarah. I kept it on the lay low all these months just waiting for the nod and now I feel resigned to just accept it’s turned to nothing. I feel quite dejected about it and I probably shouldn’t air this publicly but I am because I think people forget. They just forget how things were for them when they started out. Someone like Jim, well, he’d just pick himself up and dust himself off and just keep going. That whole “what are ya gonna do, go cry to your mummy?” ethos. Like, it’s NEVER okay to feel dejected or deflated at times and let defeat take you over. When do the constant knockbacks force one to consider calling it a day? It can’t go on indefinitely! Others gave people like Jim a break now and then. A shot. A stab at it! It was all I asked for too, you know? One interview. If it was crap…never give me the opportunity again, yeah?

I dunno. Anyway…I’m meant to be giving Sarah a plug here!

So…here’s Didn’t It Rain. Feels like it’s always raining on me right now. But…we carry on! I’ll just have to try and make other opportunities for myself.

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