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Direction Of The Heart – Four Star Mojo Review

After last week’s gripe of sharing the first review I had seen for DOTH in Uncut magazine (a disappointing 6/10 rating), I’ll just post this here on my blog and let the other fans seek these out the,selves if they’re interested.

Mojo have given the album a more positive four stars (akin to an 8/10). In both reviews, Human Traffic gets a mention, which is making me wonder if even the music magazines have received a full copy of the album to review, as both reviews so far have brushed upon the exact some musical content but with slightly differing opinions. There is mostly agreement on Human Traffic, though Mojo has been kinder and more positive with their wording on HT – Uncut called it (paraphrasing) “overcooked”.

Anyway, four stars is good!

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