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Minds Music Monday – On Hiatus This Week

But next week we’ll be back with Love Song in profile as the Sons And Fascination/Sister Feelings Call 40th Anniversary celebration continues.

In the meantime, I’d like to share a few earworms that are currently buzzing around my noggin.

He was my love before I became “Kerrsed”. I honestly couldn’t remember the last time I had listened to an entire David Bowie album. Some time that’s for sure! There was a time – for a long period of my life – that a day wouldn’t go by without me listening to at least ONE Bowie album. Last night I listened to Station To Station.

“Does my prayer fit in with your scheme of things?”

A friend had me in a reminiscing and nostalgia mode with this one. It has always resonated with me. And again now. Pondering that question but extending it to – “could we ever be”? “Were we ever”? Was I ever truly that deluded to think it?

The final one is a happy memory from long ago. A first date with my first serious boyfriend. Good days from a lifetime ago…

Neil Finn writes the most beautiful songs.

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