Site icon Priptona's Simple Minds Space

Perks Of The Job…

That I get to share lovely photos that Virginia took of him. In all the many wonderful things that have happened in the past seven – YES SEVEN – years of my Simple Minds fandom, few have been more wonderful to me than becoming friends with Virginia.

Not only is she one of the best photographers ever, she’s a fabulous lady to know. I regard her as one of my dearest friends. And I can only hope she thinks likewise of me.

As much a celebration for me being a Minds fan for seven years today than it is in honour of His Kerrness’s birthday, I share these photos.

I have all four in my collection. The one of him smiling away with the rest of the boys behind him, near Duddingston Loch, within Holyrood Park in Edinburgh, taken in 1981 is a firm favourite. I don’t think there has ever been a man with a more beautiful smile. (Fuck, I talk such mush!) It’s on permanent display on my wall. The others are on rotation as part of my absurd collection of others (never taken an official count but it currently stands at around 160 photos – approximately).

You can always check out a sample of Virginia’s collection at and make enquiries about prints.

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