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Brothel Creeping At The Shops For DMs

The gang have been out shopping today…minus Charles B, it seems. Jim and Gordy both bought variations of “brothel creepers” – no more to be said there! Lol

Sarah said she bought THREE PAIRS – Cherisse bought two.

Did Ged buy any? Not sure whether he was alluding to being of such ample foot, he needs his boots made. BRAGGING POINTS THERE if so! Lol

Anyways…it was fun and worth a pinch! Sorry about the quality of the footage, I definitely need a new phone, I think! Not easy to get good footage filming from an iPad Mini screen to an iPhone.

And if owning a pair of red velvet brothel creeper DMs just like Sir isn’t quite enough for you…here’s the details on the shirt he was wearing to boot! (Click the image for more details)


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