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News At Ten with Nina Nann-ner, ner Reporting

The boys are on the promo trail for the Everything Is Possible documentary it seems. I’m still worried it is going to primarily be the Jim and Charlie story but I am really hoping not. I mean, come on guys! Please don’t sell it off as just you two! I know I’ve changed my mind about this in recent times because I have had an epiphany in seeing what the other guys brought with them to this band and YOU TWO (and I especially mean YOU – JIM KERR!) need to continue to acknowledge that. The Simple Minds story is MORE THAN just the Jim and Charlie story, okay?! Are we agreed? (We bloody better be!)

Re: the title of the post. Nina Nannar has been reporting for ITV for YEARS and I used to joke about and call her Nina Nann-ner-ner whenever I caught one of her stories. Yes, I’m an immature idiot! Lol

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