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Review: Ian Moss – Oran Mor – 10/6/2023

It was last November that I saw a post from promoters, Regular Music, announcing that Australian music legend Ian Moss would be performing at Oran Mor the following June. I didn’t purchase a ticket straight away. I held off. Sat on the idea for a while. I kept the gig in the back of my mind with the idea of waiting until Christmas was out the way and we were into the New Year before I thought about buying a ticket.

The New Year came and I still put off buying a ticket. Not because I didn’t want to go but mostly due to finances. By April, I still hadn’t done anything about a ticket! Then an opportunity to subsidise the cost of buying a ticket came my way (I sometimes partake in surveys through a website and I had racked up some funds from having done a survey in March) and so I FINALLY grabbed myself a ticket. I’d have bought a ticket in the end, I’m sure. To see someone of Mossy’s calibre in Glasgow at such an affordable price and so local was an opportunity I’d have been foolish to let slip by. 

Just two days later, Hamish Hawk announced his gig at MacArts in Galashiels and then I faced the dilemma of whether I was fit enough to go to two gigs two nights in a row. Not a problem if both gigs were in Glasgow – but Galashiels … Well, I didn’t even know where it was to be honest, but I knew I’d have to be travelling away from Glasgow to get there. After further investigation all the logistics seemed to work out and I could feasibly travel down to Galashiels and back without the need to stay overnight. See my previous review to read how all that panned out. 

I was feeling a little drained, I won’t lie. Oran Mor is local and handy – just a short distance from home. On a good day, I could walk to the venue. There was no way I was walking there on Saturday – it was a train to Queen Street, then the subway to Hillhead. I can’t believe that for the first few years of me visiting Glasgow, I’d be too terrified to take the subway and would walk all the way down to the West End and back from the city centre. Madness!

It was a really late night getting back from Galashiels so I set out for the Mossy gig as late as I could. I wanted to make sure I saw his support – Ewan Macfarlane, so I made sure that I’d arrive for doors open at 7pm. I didn’t need to leave home until after 6pm. We’d been having such glorious weather in Glasgow but at around 5pm the sky started clouding over and it looked as if rain was making its way in. When I arrived at Queen Street the heavens had opened. Not torrential enough to prevent me from popping across the Buchanan Street subway without getting too soaked. By the time I got to Hillhead, the rain was falling a little more steadily. I made my way up to Oran Mor in small bursts, taking cover under awnings and shop doorways when I could. I arrived still mostly dry. A few minutes of waiting, taking refuge under a doorway and the doors to Oran Mor opened promptly at seven.

To my delight, chairs have been put out in the auditorium, turning Oran Mor into a makeshift seated venue. I’m an old codger now! Lol. I was ssoooo happy to see these seats, I tell ya!

Support act, Ewan Macfarlane arrived on stage promptly at 7.15pm and began a great solo acoustic set. He’s got a very powerful and soulful voice. I can see why Mossy chose him for his support. He had a great rapport with the crowd. Loved the banter and was funny and just a great musician. I really enjoyed his set. During his set I was feeling a little self-conscious so I didn’t take any photos or video of him.

Just a short wait and Mossy was on stage at 8.15pm. From the first strum of his guitar and the first note from his lips, I knew this was going to be an incredible show. The man is 68 years old but he sounds as fresh as a daisy and he’s an incredible blues guitarist – just wonderful virtuosity. Just one of those people. The complete Oz rock god, you know? He performed a mix of his own solo material and several Cold Chisel classics, including my absolute favourite Chisel song – one he sings from the East album called My Baby. I was in heaven. I couldn’t believe my luck. It was a real ‘pinch yourself’ moment. Here I was in the West End of Glasgow watching one of Australia’s most renowned musicians in this wee venue and all for the price of a vinyl album – which I actually managed to get 95% of the cost subsidised. All I had to spend out of my own money to get the ticket was £3.00.

He performed an encore and ended an incredible set with Cold Chisel classic, Bow River. I left the venue buzzing. As much as I’d have liked to have hung around and say hello to him, I wanted to get home. I headed straight back to the subway so I’d make it back to Queen Street for the 22.33 train home.

As I got into Hillhead station, a man in front of me had dropped his packet of cigarettes. I picked them up and handed them to his friend. Once down on the platform, I saw them both heading towards me. The friend gestured to me and said to his friend “she’s the one that picked up your ciggies”. “Aw, thanks very much doll.” He gestured for my hand, which he then took and kissed. They were both a bit worse for wear but still had enough of their wits about them. I then noticed the friend was wearing an Ian Moss shirt. I pointed and said “Oh, you guys were at the Mossy gig! I was there too.” “Aye. Wasn’t he fantastic? Do you know the Cold Chisel stuff? Have you been a fan from the start?” I replied that yes, I knew Cold Chisel music very well and had been a fan from an early age. I then said that I was an ex-pat Aussie but this was the first time I had had the chance to see anyone associated with Cold Chisel. “How old were you when you left Australia? 28 “And how long have you lived here?” 24 years. “You’ve not lost your accent!” Then I see the cogs of his mind mulling over, trying to do the maths. “So…you’re 40s?” I’m 52. His screws up his face and says “Ah, naw way! You don’t look 52!” Lol The train pulls up and we get in. I can hear him chatting to his friend saying “She said she’s 52! There’s no way!” Lol. That made my night.

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