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Sunday on London Road – Hamish Hawk at Blitzkrieg Shop

My vinyl copy arrived by post on release day (Friday).

The weather was beautiful in Glasgow on Sunday afternoon. Perfect for a meander from George Square down towards the Barras Market and along London Road.

First was a stop at Glickmans and a blether with the shop owner. Last time I was there with Birdy we got chatting to the lady and she was talking about her poorly dog. I asked after her dog and she said he was doing as okay as he could. He’s ageing and there’s no surgery he can have. He can take medication to extend his life and make things more comfortable, but he could go at any time. “He’s my wee boy. I don’t know what I’m gonna do without him,” she said. Resigned to the knowledge he hasn’t got long but comforted by knowing she can spoil him rotten with the time he has left.

We got to Blitzkrieg around 2.15pm. I wanted to get their relatively early as a couple of days before, Hamish had been in at Assai in Edinburgh a couple of days before and the queue went out the door and up the road. I didn’t want to miss out on being inside the shop and watch him perform a few numbers.

Perhaps it was the fact an Old Firm game was on, I don’t know, but Blitzkrieg was quiet when we arrived but it slowly filled over the next 45 minutes so by the time Hamish arrived, it was feeling a little pokey in there.

He performed a few numbers on an acoustic guitar. My favourite track on the new Angel Numbers album, “Dog-eared August”, as well as “Grey Seals”. He also performed tracks from his previous album, Heavy Elevator; “This, Whatever It Is, Needs Improvements”, as well as “The Mauritian Badminton Doubles Champion, 1973.” You know what I’m like – I’m a sucker for a long song title (70 Cities As Love Brings The Fall, anyone?). I think I also instigated the sing-a-long that happened with “The Mauritian…”. The lines are too intoxicating for audience participation. “And you call back, Jim dear, it’s living” – when Hamish got to that line, I couldn’t help but quietly sing “Jim dear” as it’s sung as a backing vocal on the album. So, it then builds with us softly singing with him by the end of the song. He seemed genuinely appreciative and I could stop feeling awkward and guilty for having started the thing off.

He was gracious with his time and signed copies of the album for people, personalising them, being in the odd photo when requested and is a very friendly and engaging man. He patiently took in the spelling of my name and we had a little chat about the St Luke’s gig the week before. He had recognised me from the chat we had on the night. I took the opportunity to reiterate just how much of a fabulous gig it was and that it was already a very strong contender for my gig of 2023.

I then stepped outside and waited for Birdy as she was further back in the queue that formed for Hamish to sign albums. As she came out and we chatted away for a few minutes I was looking at the shop window at the poster for the store appearance and thought “Ooh, I wonder if they might have any spares.” I went in and asked Tony, the owner, if there were any flyers or posters available. “All the flyers we had are gone, but,” pointing to the door, “you could have that one there if you like?” Hell, yes! “Are you sure? That would be great, please!” As he hands it to me he says, “Get him to sign it.” Brilliant thinking my man!

I rejoined the queue and as I get to the counter I say to him, “You’ll get sick of the sight of me! Would you be so kind as to sign this, please? My I ask if you can put a line from Dog-eared August on it? It’s my favourite track on the album. “Ooh, that’s great. I like it too. What line would you like?” I said “Ooh, maybe ‘You share the scariest star sign with my only sister?'” He then says to me, “Ah, but what’s the scariest star sign?” I said, “Well, considering what people say to me, probably Scorpio.” He says, “I’m a Scorpio.” I said, “So am I!” “We’re the LEAST scariest star sign,” he says to me. Who am I to argue! “Right, hold on…”. He has a quick think and then starts writing away. “Eyes wide enough to shoot stars across”, is what he ended up going with, which is fabulous. I think him profusely and he wished me a safe journey home. A thoroughly lovely guy. His star is very much on the ascent and I am anticipating already when the next chance to see him perform live will be.

It was a lovely afternoon.

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