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Jingle Jingle Jim!

Lol. I’m obviously going through some kind of….internal crisis or something. Lol. I dunno. But doing these silly things are a great distraction right now. It has me concentrating on Christmas whilst simultaneously doing absolutely FUCK ALL about Christmas. I haven’t even put the tree up yet. Its been sitting in its box via the living room bay windows for a week!

Hey ho. Maybe I’ll drum up the enthusiasm over the next few days…but I doubt it. Just not feeling very Christmassy this year. Dunno why.

Anyway… I’m sure Sheila Rock would string me up with tinsel for this but MAN, those photos inside her book are HEAVEN to the eyes. Talk about eye CANDY! JEEZ-O! A lovely little sequence of Jim’s pretty titties. If money was no object, I would buy all four prints off Sheila in a minimum of A2 print size. *smacks lips together*

This one I love most of all because….it looks like he’s just getting ready to soap himself up in the middle of a shower or something. It’s fucking hot as! Man! This book is one of the BEST birthday presents I have EVER gotten. I actually need to do a proper review of it! When I’m on Christmas break, I’ll get it done.

In the meantime, sorry Sheila! Don’t sue me! (And she told me Jim wasn’t a poser! Lol. COME ON!)

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