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Edinburgh Photo Memento

There are not that many times I have had my visage captured in the front row at a Simple Minds gig, but there I am right down the end of the row at the Princes Street Gardens gig on the Friday night (Aug 12).

A very happy bunny I was too – and it shows – in an understated way. I’m not one to flail my arms about and stuff like that. I have the time of my life – you best believe it! But I don’t want to make a dick of myself. Lol. (Though I am sure plenty would feel I am a dick. Nothing I can do about that. I just have to let people think what they like.)

I love being captured in my favourite place to be in the whole world (a SM gig – front row). Thanks to Ryan Johnston Photography for capturing this moment.

You can view his work on Facebook and Instagram (just click the words for the direct links).

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