I didn’t bother to mention this on the blog earlier in the week. I don’t know why? A general air of disappointment, I guess.
Kismet. It can be great, but it can suck too. A absolutely love this city and I am sssooo, so happy to be living here, but….hand on heart, I guess I hoped it would mean spotting His Kerrness on the street now and then. Increase the serendipity of a chance meeting. It wasnae meant to be. Covid and Brexit drove him outta town? Pffft. Ah, well. Que sera sera…
Reading this I couldn’t help but hear Graeme Thomson say to me at the end of my interview with him “you’re not going to turn it into one of those awful ‘Q and A’ style pieces, are you?” Lol. I tried to steer clear of that as much as possible, but Helen did it better. Hence, she works for The Times, and I run a blog. Never too late? We’ll see.
To pick up on the “words of wisdom”.
I have no patience. Lol. Well…I don’t feel I have any anyway. Perhaps I don’t know myself that well? Or I am not the best judge of my own character? Nah…enthusiasm gets the better of me far too much, and the lack of the virtuous trait of patience is its price.
Success is less about talent and more about the effort you make…? I never expected “success” to become such a subjective philosophically defining word, but it is. We all have our own ideas on what it is and how to measure it, or how WE, individually, measure it. First off it really is just asking the question WHAT is “success”? It has several definitions in the end. It depends on your yardstick.
Mistakes are vital for future learning. And here I am, the student. At last, comfortable and ready to learn from my mistakes, instead of being afraid to fail and in doing so failing worst of all and deepest of all – but wrongly.
Fail better!