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Simple Minds – Special Rock – Belgian Magazine – 1985

Won this magazine on eBay. Came from a seller in Belgium. I have scanned the whole magazine and will share it soon. In the meantime, I just wanted to share the images that I scanned of the magazine. I tried to clean them up and stop them from looking like little black and white Lichtenstein’s. I’m not sure how successful I’ve been. Some I’ve never seen before, hence I was so keen to get this magazine.


Etienne Tordoir was obviously on the set when they were recording Someone Somewhere In Summertime and Glittering Prize for that Belgian TV music show. Nice to see a still photo from that.

And I’d never seen half of those Corbijn photos from the OUAT recordings in New York. I know several of them where in the tour program, but some of these I had never, ever seen. Not sure who’s with Jim in the studio photo, whether it’s Bob or Jimmy or neither of them as it really doesn’t look like either of them – but I don’t know who else it would be.

I’d try and ask Jim but… there is just no point. He’s not around. And I am really not wanting to go anywhere NEAR the fan pages at the moment. And, well, he probably wouldn’t remember or be able to tell who it is anyway.

Maybe if someone else knows? Answers on a postcard.

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