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Bryan Ferry – The Newest (and Biggest) Gig Wish Dream

Well…it started with Sophia Deboick in the New European magazine in April, 2018 greasing the wheels of me FINALLY taking a dive into Roxy Music and then my little talk with Jim about starting to get into them and him just reiterating the importance of Roxy and Bryan Ferry on Simple Minds and him (“No Roxy Music, no Simple Minds” he said to me) that compounded things.

I absolutely fell in love with early Roxy Music, esp. I confess I have still not delved into Bryan’s solo stuff as much…but honestly…what better excuse do I have!?

Despite not having as much of a delve into his solo stuff, Bryan quickly became very high on the agenda of a musical act to see.

When it seemed the money was going to appear last year, I had dallied with the notion of seeing him in Germany or at the Albert Hall…but the money just wasn’t around and I couldn’t. Then also this year, he was was playing a festival that was VERY local (I think near St Albans…? From memory) and he also played at the Summer Nights Festival at Kelvingrove Bandstand last year. The chances all slipped by.

But now, here we are! To Glasgow, my new home, and to Bryan playing the Armadillo on March 3rd, a few days before heading off to Copenhagen to see Simple Minds.

Can life get any sweeter? SOMEBODY PINCH ME!

I’ll be popping my cherry twice! My first (might end up being my only…who knows?) Bryan Ferry gig, and my first Armadillo gig (unless I happen to see someone else there beforehand. Though I doubt it).



And of Bryan’s solo work I know…I love this…a reinterpretation of Robert Palmer’s Johnny And Mary – executed at the highest order.

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