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Have An Ogling Merry Christmas

Christmas has arrived a little early for me this year in the form of a set of three prints from Virginia Turbett of Jim backstage at a gig at – I think it’s the Odeon in Edinburgh on August 27th, 1981 – and I think it may be post gig, as he appears to be, if I have the sequence right, changing out of his collared shirt worn during the gig, back into his “Bookie’s Club 870” shirt that he was wearing pre gig (and getting his makeup done).

I have been allowed to share a pic of them with Virginia’s kind permission.

I think you guys can see why I was hankering after these three from the first time I saw them almost one year ago. I’m such an ogling pervert! Lol

Merry Christmas to me! (Better get the laminator out, or hurry up and get them framed! Protect them from water damage from the drool pools. Lol)

On a more serious note – if you love rock music memorabilia and archival black and white photography (she does colour photos too!), then Virginia has an amazing portfolio of images – not just of Simple Minds, but of loads of bands and artists shot between the late 70’s to mid 80’s. Click HERE to view her website and make enquiries on prints of interest.

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