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Shrine Art No 1203

I just wanted to try something different…but with the same subject matter I fall back on.

In times of…descending melancholia, just…working on art around this beautiful face gives me focus, purpose. He’s my “human fidget spinner”, if I can be so crude? (I can. And now my mind is wildly wandering…GALLOPING…off elsewhere).

His sharing of the art from Cheryl Anne Grace a day or so ago. Of the NOLA “saints”? I mean, I’m obviously no Cheryl Anne…but I certainly have my own figurehead. My own deity.

I will forever regret saying what I said to him back in July. Because, coming from me, it was hypocrisy of the highest order. I portray him and treat him like a god in my art.

He is the centre of my artistic universe (and not just my artistic one).

I played around with this one for four hours. Am I pleased with it? Dunno…jury’s out. Did it put a stop to the descent into melancholy? Insomuch as it took the focus away from it for a while – Yes.

Sometimes I can attack a piece with sheer enthusiasm and delight, and it may come together in an hour. Other times, it is genuine therapy. I lose myself in it.

It used to be birds. But birds can only achieve that in daylight hours. This can happen any time of the day. And can start when high or low in mood.

But…am I an artist? I genuinely don’t know. A blagger? Most likely…

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